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외국인 시승기 3탄~! 이자 마지막.ㅠㅠㅠ 마티즈 크리에이티브 시승기

안녕하세요. 외국인 시승기 3탄 (이자 마지막) 입니다. 캐나다인이 탔구요. 먼저 라프 시승기보단 좀 길어요.ㅎㅎ 차는 마티즈입니다. 그럼 궈궈. (사진은 많이 안넣었어용ㅋㅋ)

외국인 시승기 3탄~! 이자 마지막.ㅠㅠㅠ 마티즈 크리에이티브 시승기

1. 자기소개해주세요.

안녕하세요. 이름은브라이언입니다. 캐나다노바스코샤출신입니다.  나이는서른이고한국에는 4가량살았습니다. 현재는용인시에서어른들을대상으로영어를가르치고있습니다. 한국에서즐거운시간을보내고있으며, 조금있을예정입니다.

2. 재미있게탔나요?

. 재미있었습니다. 컴팩트한차량은처음타보는것이라서요. 이전엔중대형차혹은트럭들만몰아봤습니다. 마티즈운전은새로운경험이라고있겠네요.  또한한국에서제가직접차를몰아역시처음입니다. 차는작은크기때문에오히려운전이재미있습니다. 여러분께서아시다시피, 한국에서운전하는것은꽤나지치고답답할있습니다. 주차역시짜증날있지요. 하지만, 차를몰게되면복잡한도심에서요리조리빠져나가기쉽습니다. 주차도쉬워요. 다른차들이 주차할 없는곳을저는주차있으니까요.

3. 차의어떤점이맘에드나요?

차가좋은이유가있습니다. 첫째로, 앞자리좌석이아주편해서장거리로이동할때도오래앉아있을수가있습니다 ( 뒷좌석은다른이야기가되겠네요) 스티어링휠이아주타이트해서좁은공간에서도쉽게돌릴수가있습니다. 연비도좋네요. 저는동료의차와기름을얼마나쓰나비교를해봤습니다. 제가꽤나기름값을아낀같았습니다. 친구의차는중형세단 (라세티) 이었는데제가적어도 25%이상기름값을아낀같습니다. 상당히놀랍습니다. 차를특별하게만드는다른요소는바로스타일입니다. 솔직히말씀드리면, 전엔이런컴팩트한차를운전해본적이없기때문에, 길에서다른차들을여겨보지않았습니다. 하지만차를운전하기시작하고부터컴팩트한차들이굉장히많다는것을알게되었습니다. 그리고마티즈는가장멋진스타일을가지고있습니다.   

외국인 시승기 3탄~! 이자 마지막.ㅠㅠㅠ 마티즈 크리에이티브 시승기


제가바꾸고싶은하나는바로파워입니다. 고속에도달하는것은문제가아닙니다. 문제는반응하는시간이고고속에도달하기까지시간이걸린다는점입니다. 언덕을올라가면추진력을잃어버리거나, 다른차를추월하려빠져나올, 속도를바로내지못합니다. 작은엔진이달린컴팩트한차량이니힘도밖에없다는이해합니다. 하지만차는장점이많은차니, 만약조금속도가느려지는언덕길을크게개의치않는사람이라면장점이단점을상쇄하고남습니다.


5. 차타고가본말해주세요.

처음으로한국에서운전을해보는거라, 처음엔어렵지않을까생각했습니다. 말씀드리자면, 전혀어렵지않았습니다. 저는결국매일매일운전하게되었습니다. 저는차를몬다는것이이렇게나편리하고멋질것이라는것을이전엔깨닫지못했습니다. 특히서울이아닌교외에산다면말이지요. 운전이편해진다음부터는꽤나많은곳을돌아다녔습니다. 여러분은제가용인에산다는것을아셔야합니다. 서울에서가깝지않습니다. 그래서서울의여러곳을돌아다녔습니다. 잠실이라던가, 시청, 용산같은말이죠. 용인시전체도둘러보고광주시도가봤습니다. 한반도가운데있는충주호도가보고동해도가보고인천도가봤네요. 아주멋진경험이었고, 서울이외의곳에서운전하는것은그리어렵지않습니다. 게다가, 교외의경치역시아주좋죠.

6. 마티즈와같은경차가북미시장에서팔리나요? 사람들의인식은어떻습니까?

과거엔이런차량들이팔리지않았습니다. 미국은크기와힘을우선하는분위기였습니다. 하지만, 요즘의경기상황과유가상승으로이런종류의차량들이꽤나팔리는분위기입니다. 지난년간천천히성장하고있는같습니다. 여전히최선의선택이되는차량은아닙니다. 아직중형차나쿠페들을많이선호합니다. 하지만최근점수를얻고있습니다.

외국인 시승기 3탄~! 이자 마지막.ㅠㅠㅠ 마티즈 크리에이티브 시승기

(파란티의 저 사나이... 접니다 ㅎㅎㅎㅎ)


한국의자동차문화는편안함과 가격집중되어있는같습니다. 한국에서돌아다니는대부분의차들은대형럭셔리모델들입니다. 한국에서는차가신분을나타내기때문이지않나라고생각합니다. 좋고, 최신모델을몰수록높은지위에있지않나라고사람들이생각하는합니다. 이게맞는지아닌지는모르겠습니다만이게제가생각하는한국의자동차문화입니다.

이전에, 다른경차를몰아본적이있나요? (본국에서) 캐나다에서사람들은경차를어떻게생각하나요.

아니요. 이전엔경차를몰아본적이없습니다. 제가어렸을, 젊은사람들이선호하는차는언제나중형쿠페였습니다. 작은차들은팔리지않았습니다. 위에서말했듯이, 요즘은이런종류의차들이사람들의관심을얻고있고, 특히이런스타일의차들이디자인과편의사양이발전되면서관심이모이는같습니다. 많은사람들은이런종류의차를단순히이동수단으로써받아들입니다., A에서 B까지기름을최대한절약하며이동을있는수단으로밖에보지않는것이죠. 아름다움이나럭셔리함으로주변사람들에게인식될만한차는아니라는겁니다. 하지만, 나은혁신적인디자인이나오면서, 사람들의인식이점차바뀌고있습니다.

9. 한국사람들은차를좋아합니다. 어떻게생각하세요.

기본적으로트렌드라고생각합니다. 지위를나타냄과동시에편안함을추구하는방식인같아요. 또한, 때때로교통상황이나쁘다는것을고려하면, 크고편안한차는많은사람들에게좋은선택이있습니다. 저는사실이걸보고놀라긴했습니다. 비싼기름가격과막혀있는도로, 그리고협소한주차공간들때문에저는사람들이훨씬경제적인작은차들을것이라고생각했습니다. 기름가격이오르면북미시장에서그랬듯이, 여기한국시장도변하지않을까생각합니다.


어려운질문이네요. 이런작은차는처음타봐서요.  작은치고는제가기대하지못한자잘한옵션들이꽤나많았습니다. MP3 플레이어연결하는것이라던가, 핸드프리가가능한스피커라던가, 운전석열선이라던가..말이죠.

외국인 시승기 3탄~! 이자 마지막.ㅠㅠㅠ 마티즈 크리에이티브 시승기

11. 다른지엠대우차량도운전해보고싶은가요?

물론이죠. 마티즈외의다른차도시승해보고싶습니다. 요즘의 GM 차량들은디자인도잘나오고좋은옵션들도많이있는같아서타보고싶어요. 물론연비부분에서이차와비교할수는없겠지만, 타보고싶어요.

마티즈크리에이티브가격이적당하다고생각하세요? 고향에서어느정도가격이면구매하시겠습니까

어떤옵션이나스타일을원하는가에따라다르지만, 마티즈는대략 9만원에서 12만원사이에서팔리는데, 생각에는아주적당한같습니다. 제가생각하기로는, 차의포인트는차를여력이되는사람들이나, 세컨카를구매하려는사람들에게저렴한옵션을제공하는것이아닌가합니다. 이런차들이비싸진다면사람들은당연히눈을중형차로돌리겠지요.

만약가능하다면, 어떤옵션을추가하시겠습니까?

제가옵션을추가한다면, 나은스테레오시스템을넣겠습니다. 순정은아무래도약한같습니다. 선루프도넣고싶어요. 선루프싫어하는사람은없죠? 하지만제가넣고싶은가장옵션은네비입니다. 차는아주작기때문에사제네비를달면전면유리가너무작아져서앞을없게됩니다. 편리한장소에삽입하면좋겠지요.


현대티뷰론을이전에타봤습니다. 아주좋았어요. 하지만, 2도어쿠페치고는같은카테고리에있는다른차들과비교했을, 힘이부족했던같습니다. 디자인은아주좋았습니다.

한국차와외국차들사이에차이가있다고보세요? 있다면어떤것들이다를까요?

기본적으로, 한국차와외국차들은거의같다고봅니다. 양쪽모두다양한사람들의욕구를만족시키기위한다양한스타일을갖고있으며, 시장우위를차지하기위한다양한혁신적인아이디어를계속개발하고있습니다. 최근한국차는세계자동차시장에서힘으로성장했습니다.

측면에서봤을, 한국과북미시장은차이가있습니다. 북미쪽은여전히힘있는스포츠스타일의쿠페를다양한가격으로공급하는데반해한국은럭셔리세단이대부분을차지하고있는같습니다.

마티즈광고본적이있나요? 어떻게생각하세요?

솔직히, 본적이없습니다. 티비를안봐서요.


아뇨. 없습니다. 앞으로도없길바래요.


캐나다에서과속티켓은제한속도에비해얼마나빨리달렸나에따라다릅니다. 예를들어, 시속 50키로도로에서 10키로오버했다면 100달러정도가되겠지만 80키로로달리면 400불정도내야합니다. 이건어디까지나예상치입니다. 정확하진않아요.

휘발유 1리터얼마인가요? 디젤은? 한국에서기름값이비싸다고느끼나요?

한국에서휘발유 1리터가 1700원가량하는걸로알고있습니다. 캐나다달러로보면리터당 1.5달러정도하네요. 고향에서는지금리터당 1.05 달러정도합니다. 한국유가는꽤나비싼편입니다. 하지만한국에서매일운행하는거리를캐나다와비교해, 한국운전자는캐나다보다훨씬운전을적게합니다. 실제쓰는돈은캐나다보다적을같아요.

제가알게다른점은, 한국은아주발달되고저렴한대중교통시스템이있다는겁니다. 북미에비하면말이죠. 많은사람들이사실을알고있고, 돈을절약하길원하기때문에, 한국의고유가는출퇴근용으로차를샀을지도모르는많은사람들의구매를방해하는요소라고생각합니다.  


원문 (시간 남아 돌면 읽어보세요)  




1. Tell us about yourself.  (Briefly)

            Hello, my name is Brian and I’m from Nova Scotia, Canada.  I’m 30 years old and I’ve been living in Korea for 4 years.  I’m currently an English teacher living in Yongin-si teaching adult students.  I have enjoyed my time here in Korea so far and hope to continue enjoying my stay a little while longer.


2. Did you enjoy driving this car?


            Yes,  I enjoyed driving this car.  This was the first time that I’ve ever driven a compact car.  In the past I’ve always driven mid to full size cars or trucks.  Therefore, it was a new experience for me to drive the Matiz.  This was also the first time I was able to have the pleasure of driving around Korea on my own.  This car was fun to drive because of its size.  As most of you know driving in Korea can be quite hectic or congested, as well the parking can be quite bothersome.  However, driving this car allowed me to maneuver in and out of traffic smoothly and parking was great because I was able to park in spaces that other larger vehicles could not.


3. What do you like about this car?

What made this car great were a few things.
  First of all the front seats were very comfortable, so I didn’t mind sitting in the car for a long distance (The back seats might be a different story.).  As well, the steering was tight, therefore allowing me to make turns in tight spots a cinch. The gas mileage was also great.  I was comparing how much I spent on gas for this car to one of my colleagues and it’s sounds like I saved a lot of money on gasoline.  Also, one of my friends has a mid-size sedan and I believe I saved about 25% more money on fuel than my friend.  This impressed me a lot.  Another thing that really stuck out about this car is that it has style!  To be honest, because I never drove a compact car before, I never really looked at the different ones on the road.  Once I started driving this one, I started noticing compact cars everywhere, and this one (Matiz Groove) did stand out as having the best body shape and style out of all of them!


4. What do you not like about this car?

One thing which really stuck out which I would liked to have changed is the power.  Reaching higher speeds is not really the problem.  It’s the response time or how long it takes to reach the higher speeds and hills that is the problem.  When going up a slope the car would lose momentum, or when pulling out to pass another vehicle, it would take the car a little while to kick in and pick up.  I understand that it is a compact car with a small engine, so of course it will have less power.  However, this car has many benefits and I believe that if you don’t mind driving a little slower up slopes that the pros far outweigh this con.


5. Tell us about the places you have been to with the car. 

Being my first time driving around Korea, I thought it would be a little difficult.  To be honest, it wasn’t that difficult at all, so I ended up using this car every day.  I never realized just how convenient and nice a car can be in Korea especially when you live outside of Seoul.  Therefore, since I felt comfortable driving, I ended up driving to quite a few places.  First, you should keep in mind that I live in Yongin-si, therefore Seoul is not too close.  So, I drove to different places in Seoul such as Jamsil, City Hall, Yongsan.  I drove all around Yongin-si, and Gwangju-si.  Also, I drove to Chungju Lake in the center of Korea, the East Sea, and to some places in Incheon.  It was really wonderful, and driving any place outside of Seoul really is not too hectic and much easier to navigate your way around.  Besides, the countryside can be a breathtaking drive.



6. Do mini cars like this one sell good in the states or Canada?  How do people perceive mini cars? (Brian) 


            In the past this type of car didn’t really sell that well.  The American way was all about size and power.  However, in today’s economy with inflation and continually rising gas prices, this type of car has been doing quite well.  I believe it has been climbing steadily in the last few years.  It is still not the car of choice.  I believe a mid-size sedan or coupe is still the car of choice.  However, it has been gaining a lot of recognition. 


7. What do you think about Korean automotive culture?


            I think that the Korean automotive culture is all about comfort and affordability.  Most of the cars in Korea are bigger luxury models.  I believe this is because a car in Korea really shows status.  The newer, nicer your car is, supposedly the higher your position.  I’m not sure if this is really the way it is or not, but this is way I perceive it to be here in Korea. 


8. Prior to this experience (the Matiz Creative), did you ever have a chance to drive a mini car back home? How do people perceive mini cars in Canada? (Brian)


            No, I have never driven a mini-car back home.  When I was younger the car of choice for young people was always a mid-size coupe.  The compact cars did not sell so well.  As mentioned earlier, nowadays this type of car is gaining recognition especially as this style of car improves its design and features.  Most people think of this car a means of transportation.  That is, it’s mostly just a way to get from point A to point B and save money on gasoline.  Not as a car to be recognized for its beauty or luxuriousness.  However, with better innovative styles coming out, people’s minds are starting to change.


9. Korean customers love big cars, if you haven’t noticed. What do you think about it?

Basically, I think it’s more of a trend.  I believe it’s a way of showing status and being comfortable at the same time.  Also, traffic sometimes can be slow, therefore a bigger, more comfortable car might be a great choice for a lot people.  I was surprised to see this here in Korea.  Because of the high gas prices, heavily congested roads, and tight parking spots I really would have thought more people would be driving more compact and economic cars.  Maybe as prices continue to rise, we might see a change in the Korean car market just as in the North American market.



10. What do you think the Matiz Creative (or the Lacetti Premiere) is lacking in comparison with other brands?  


             Well, that is very difficult for me to answer, since this is the first time that I’ve driven a compact car in my life.  For a compact car, this one had a lot of little features, some I didn’t expect, such as hookups for your mp3 player, a speaker system which allows connection to your phone so you can talk hands-free, and in-seat heating.



11. Would like to drive other GM Daewoo vehicles other than what you have driven?  

            Of course I would like to drive other GM Daewoo vehicles other than just the Matiz.  I think the new line of GM vehicles look great, and have lots of cool features, so I’d like to try them all out.  Although the other cars may not compare to this one in the way of gas mileage, I am definitely looking forward to trying out another one in the future.


12. Do you reckon the Matiz Creative (or the Lacetti Premiere) sells at a reasonable price? How much would you pay for this car back home? (Canada or the U.S)


            I believe the Matiz sells for between 9,000,000 – 12,000,000won which I think is quite reasonable, depending on which style or options you’d like to have.  I believe the point of this car is to give a more affordable option to the people, either to those who can’t afford a bigger one or those who want a second car for the household.  I think if this style car were to become much more expensive, then people might start looking more toward the mid-size car market. 



13. What convenience features would you add to the Matiz Creative, if you had a choice? (Brian)

If I had a choice I would probably opt for a choice of a better stereo system, since the factory one is a little weak, as well as a sun-roof.  Who wouldn’t love a sun-roof?  But probably the biggest thing I would opt for would be a built-in GPS system.  Because the car is so small, I felt that the front window really is too small to have a separate GPS blocking some of the view.  Therefore, to have one built in a convenient location would be a bonus.



14. Have you ever had a chance to drive other Korean cars at all?  

I got to drive a Hyundai Tiburon before, which was also pretty cool.  However, for a sporty 2 door coupe, it didn’t have the power that other similar options might have in that class category.  It did have a decent look though.


15. Do you reckon that there are differences between the Korean cars and the western brands? If you do, what would they be?


             In general, I’d have to say that Western and Korean cars are pretty much the same.  In both cultures there are a wide variety of styles to fit different people’s needs and both continue trying to come up with innovative ideas to put their creations on top of the market.  Therefore, recently Korean cars world-wide have become a much bigger force in the automotive industry.


            The biggest difference that I can see between the Korean market and the North American market is that the North American market likes to still produce sporty style coupes with a little or a lot of power at various prices and in Korea luxury cars are more of the norm. 


 16. Have you seen any advertisements for the Matiz Creative (or the Lacetti Premiere) on TV? How do you find them? 

To be honest, I havn’t seen any of the advertisements for this car.  I don’t watch much T.V. in Korea, therefore T.V. advertisements seem like a thing of the past.

17. Have you experienced being pulled over by the police in Korea?

No, I’ve never been pulled over by a policeman in Korea and I hope I never do.

18. How much would you be fined if you got caught speeding in your country?

A speeding ticket in Canada depends on how fast you are driving over the speed limit.  So, if you are driving 10km/hr over the speed limit in a 50km/hr zone, maybe you will be fined $100, but if you are driving 80km/hr in a 50km/hr zone then you maybe be charged $400.  This is just an estimate, I’m not exactly sure.


19. How much is a liter of petrol? And diesel? Do you find the petrol price in Korea reasonable?


            I believe that a litre of petrol in Korea is around 1,700won.  If I convert that into Canadian dollars that’s roughly $1.50/litre.  In the part of Canada where I came from right now it is about $1.05/litre.  As you can see, Korea’s oil price is quite a bit higher.  Therefore, the price here in Korea does seem a little outrageous to me.  However, when I compare the actual distance that people would drive in Korea on a daily basis compared to people in my home town, I’d say that the average Korean driver drives much less therefore actually spending less money on petrol than the average Canadian driver. 


            I have also noticed that here in Korea, there is a very complex and quite good public transportation taking you to pretty much anywhere you want to go in Korea at a fairly low price compared to North America. With most people acknowledging this and trying to save money, I do believe that the high oil prices here may be discouraging quite a few people who would normally purchase a car for everyday use.